About Digital Honey

Digital Honey is an online financial publication that teaches people how to build credit. It covers both personal and business credit. Its writers perform thorough analysis and testing for their financial product reviews to discover the most innovative credit builder products on the market.
About Garit Boothe

My name is Garit Boothe, and I’m a “money nerd”. My wife and I have two little kids, and we live in the Salt Lake City area in Utah.
My “day job” is running my SEO consulting business. I’ve been full-time freelancing since August 2020. Before that, I worked for a local FinTech company, Nav, in the credit niche.
Nav required me to become a Certified Lending and Credit Specialist. While I worked there, I took another course in how to build credit and applied what I learned by fixing my own credit.
My credit scores went from the low 500s to the 800s! My team of writers and I teach people how to do that here.
My interest in finance started in college, when I studied economics at The George Washington University and a read a ton of personal finance books in the proceeding few years.
I spoke at FinCon in 2021 and appear as a guest on finance podcasts and blogs. Feel free to connect anytime!